Fund Performance

Date R$ / Quota Ex-Distribution
02/14/2025 0,4800 02/07/2025
01/15/2025 0,5000 01/08/2025
12/13/2024 0,5000 12/06/2024

Fund‘s Market Financial Information (as of December/22)

NAV Market
Closing Share‘s Market Value [R$/share] 98,71 58,59
Discount to NAV [%] 0,0% -40,6%
Dividend per share [R$/share] 0,45 0,45
Montlhy profitability [%] 0,5% 0,8%
Annual profitability (compound) [%] 5,6% 9,6%
Shares outstanding [# mn] 26,6 26,6
Market cap [R$ mn] 2.629,4 1.560,7
(+) Net debt (Cash) [R$ mn] 740,4 740,4
(+) Minorities stake [R$ mn] 57,8 57,8
Implicit value of assets [R$ mn] 3.427,6 2.358,9
Contracted lease revenue [R$ mn] 21,4 21,4
Implicit Cap rate [%] 7,4% 11,2%
Adj. Cap rate (incl. vacant areas) [%] 7,5% 10,9%
Portfolio GLA [th m2] 239,8 239,8
Average per m2 [R$/m2] 14.293 9.837
Total Volume Traded in the month [R$ mn] 35,7
Average Daily Trading Volume in the month [R$ mn] 1,6
% of Fund Traded in the month [%] 1,5%
% of Fund Traded in the last 12 months [%] 22,2%
Variation from previous month closing [%] 4,9%
Return for Shareholder (including distribution) [%] 5,7%

(*) Considers the change in the share value for the period (Closing Value on the last day of month “M”/Closing Value on the last day of month “M – 1”) + Distributed amount received by the shareholder in the corresponding period.