An investment in shares of real estate investment funds is an investment in variable revenue securities, meaning payouts to shareholders will depend on the successful management of the Fund’s portfolio investments. At present, amounts payable to shareholders will directly depend on revenue generated from lease agreements, sale of real estate properties and rental of properties to leaseholders, less all costs incurred by the Fund. As such, the Fund may have to devote a large chunk of its cashflow to paying down obligations, thereby reducing available cash payable to shareholders – which, in turn, may affect the market value of the shares.
The investments made by the Fund are not backed by guarantees, of the fund manager, investment advisor, agents, third parties, any insurance mechanism or Credit Guarantor Fund (Fundo Garantidor de Créditos, or FGC), to reduce or eliminate the risks to which it is subject and, as a consequence, to which the shareholders are also subject.